Sunday, September 26, 2010


Pinkalicious By Victoria Kann & Elizabeth Kann
Picture book for Grades K-2
3 stars

            A young girl helps her mother make pink cupcakes on a rainy day, and she ends up eating quite a few pink cupcakes.  Then the next day she turned pink!  She wasn’t scared like her parents were.  She loved being pink.  The doctor told her she should eat green things and no more pink things to go back to the way she was.  But she ate one more pink cupcake and woke up red!  She did not want to be red anymore, so she ate every green food in the house and turned back to normal.

            This young girl reminds me of some of the daycare kids I watch.  A couple of them are obsessed with just one color, their favorite color.  I love when she actually turns pink and she thinks it is wonderful.  The pictures in the book are amazing.  Kann does a fantastic job with collage.  My favorite page is when she is eating all the green foods because the page is filled with green grapes, artichokes, peas, lettuce, and green tea.  Since it is in collage form it makes it really fun to look at.  When I read this book with a 2nd grader, she started naming all the green foods on the page, and saying if she likes it or if she has ever had it before. 

            This is a fun book to read to a class.  I see a lot of prosepective uses for it in an art class.  You could show it for an example of collage, or to get students to veer away from their favorite color.  In the subject area of reading, you could work on predictions.  For example, when she is pink and she eats just one more cupcake, you could pause the book and have the students predict what is going to happen.  This book also has a few follow up books called Purplicious, Goldilicous, Pinkalicious: Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink, and a couple other Pinkalicious books. 

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds like it would be really fun to read with a young child! As an adult I thought the story sounded silly at first but then I remembered how obsessed kids are with their favorite colors and all the fun conversation and activities this book could spark. Your description of the green page sounded so appealing I started imagnining green foods without even seeing the page : )
